Application Procedures

Application for the Death Certificate and Registration

Death can be divided into two categories: natural death or unnatural death.   If the deceased was passed away in hospital with illness, it is classified as natural death.   The doctor will issue the document (Form 18).  If you apply for cremation, the doctor will issue another document (Form 2) and you are required to bring along the documents and the ID card of the deceased to the Birth and Death Registry Office for the application.

If the deceased has passed away in an accident or unnatural, the body would be sent to public mortuary.  The forensic specialist will examine the cause of the death.  The coroner will issue a certificate of approval for the burial/cremation of the body  after investigation of the cause of death (Form 11).

Our team provides professional advice on the procedure and please contact our team for more information.

Flow Chart for the Body Collection



1. 備家庭醫生信件

  • 要有醫生簽署及蓋印
  • 醫生曾於近期診治先人
  • 詳列死者病況及病歷
  • 指出死者之病可隨時發作並導致死亡

2. 家屬意願

  • 直系親屬書寫並聯署
  • 死者及家人意願不想解剖
  • 對醫務人員之診治及護理滿意,並無任何投訴
  • 並無保險索償
  • 希望能盡快辦理喪事

There are 3 public mortuaries in Hong Kong:

Victoria Public Mortuary

34 Victoria Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Fu Shan Public Mortuary

10 Yau On Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

Kwai Chung Public Mortuary

100 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong


Coffin to be sent outside Hong Kong

Hong Kong is short of land supply for burial.  In recent years, families have chosen grave yards in Mainland China and Macau such as Mirs Bay.  Hong Kong resident is eligible to bury in Mainland China and Macau. Our team can also arrange the body to be sent to Canada, USA or Australia.  For details, please contact our team for more information.