Probate Application
If you have any questions related to the application for a confirmation notice in respect of the small estate of a person who died on or after 11 February 2006, you may approach the Estate Beneficiaries Support Unit of the Home Affairs Department.
Address : 3/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Telephone : 28351535
Fax : 21229497
E-mail : ebsu@had.gov.hk
Website : http://www.had.gov.hk/estates
For administering the estates of persons who died before 11 February 2006, please contact the Estate Duty Office of the Inland Revenue Department at 2594 3240.
If you have question in application of a grant regarding estate over HK$50,000, you can approach the Probate Registry.
Address : LG3, High Court Building, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong.
Telephone : 2840 1683 (24-hour hotline)
Fax : 2524 7737
Website : http://www.judiciary.gov.hk/
Will Arrangement
If you would like to have more information, please contact our professional team.