Select a suitable day for funeral ceremony
Our team will accompany you to the burial site to select the best place for the ancestor and recommended experienced Feng Shui Master for your reference. Our team members also have experience in selection of dates of good luck and provide professional advice for the customers.
Build the Tomb and Tombstone
Our team will provide professional advice for the layout and design of the tomb and the tombstone. For more details, please contact our professional team.
If you would like to have more information on funeral matters, please refer to the book 【祭之以禮】
- 人工開塚
- 石明塚,又稱富貴塚
- 建造明塚安葬先人
- 師傅定位
- 睇位移正
- 全麻石石亭
- 客人可因應先人或自己的偏愛 選購不同之物料石碑